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Engineered Septic Systems

When your property conditions are not ideal, or the soil does not percolate, an engineered system might be your solution. The local health department may require an engineered field when the soil or groundwater conditions do not meet set standards. This can also be true of properties where there are landscape obstacles such as sloping terrain or bedrock or groundwater issues.


Engineered septic systems are highly complex and require a certified and licensed professional that specializes in these intricate designs. There are a variety of Engineered Septic Systems, depending on your unique situation, our engineer at B&F Septic, will design a system that fits your property's needs while meeting local health department guidelines. We have a longstanding relationship and reputation with local health departments in not just Oakland County, but also Wayne, and Livingston Counties as well. We not only work alongside the local health officials but also maintain the highest standards and guidelines throughout the entire installation process. To schedule an inspection of your septic system or further discuss your septic needs, feel free to call us at 248-357-2033. We will be happy to answer any questions you may have regarding your septic system installation or replacement.

Bolton Environmental. All rights reserved.

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